What is the best time of year to sealcoat asphalt?

What is the best time of year to sealcoat asphalt?

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Sealcoating asphalt is like giving your driveway or parking lot a protective shield. It guards against the elements, prolongs the life of the asphalt, and keeps it looking sharp. But, you might wonder, when is the best time to apply this magical coat? Let’s dive into the details and find out!


Before we dive into the timing, let’s talk about sealcoating. Sealcoating is a protective layer applied to asphalt surfaces to shield them from the harsh effects of weather, chemicals, and traffic. It’s essential for maintaining the integrity of your asphalt and ensuring it lasts for years. But to get the most out of sealcoating, timing is everything.

Understanding Sealcoating

Sealcoating is not just a cosmetic upgrade; it’s a critical maintenance step. Here’s why:

  • Protection: Sealcoating protects asphalt from damage caused by UV rays, rain, snow, and chemicals. Without it, your asphalt can crack, fade, and deteriorate more quickly.

  • Appearance: It gives asphalt a fresh, black look that can enhance the curb appeal of your property.

  • Longevity: Regular sealcoating can extend the lifespan of your asphalt by several years, saving you money in the long run.

Factors Influencing the Timing of Sealcoating

So, what factors should you consider when scheduling your sealcoating? Let’s break them down:

Climate and Weather Conditions

The weather is one of the biggest factors to consider. Sealcoating requires specific conditions to cure properly:

  • Temperature: Ideally, the temperature should be between 50°F and 90°F (10°C to 32°C) for optimal curing. If it’s too cold, the sealcoat won’t set correctly. Too hot, and it may dry too quickly.

  • Rain: Sealcoating needs to be applied when no rain is forecasted for at least 24 hours. Rain can wash away the sealcoat before it sets.

  • Humidity: High humidity can also affect curing. It’s best to apply sealcoat on a dry day with moderate humidity.

Seasonal Considerations

Each season has its pros and cons for sealcoating:

  • Spring: Spring is a great time to sealcoat. The temperatures are warming up, and the chances of rain are usually lower. Just ensure the ground isn’t still thawing out from winter.

  • Summer: Summer offers warm temperatures that are perfect for curing. However, be cautious of intense heat, which might make the sealcoat dry too quickly. Also, summer often means increased traffic, which can be a challenge.

  • Fall: Fall is often considered the ideal time for sealcoating. The temperatures are cool but not too cold, and rain is usually less frequent. Plus, you avoid the heavy summer traffic.

  • Winter: Winter is generally the worst time to sealcoat. Cold temperatures and snow can prevent proper curing. If you live in a region with harsh winters, it’s best to schedule sealcoating for a warmer time of the year.

Best Time of Year for Sealcoating


Spring is a fantastic time to get your sealcoating done. The temperatures are just right for curing, and you’re not dealing with the heavy traffic of summer or the freezing conditions of winter. Plus, getting it done in spring means your asphalt will be protected for the summer and fall.


Summer is the peak season for sealcoating. The warm temperatures help the sealcoat to cure well. However, you’ll need to plan around the heat and high traffic. If you’re in a particularly hot area, consider scheduling early in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the peak heat of the day.


Fall might just be the goldilocks season for sealcoating. The temperatures are cooler, and there’s less chance of rain. It’s an excellent time to sealcoat because you’re preparing your asphalt for the winter months. Just make sure to get it done before the temperatures drop too much.


Winter is usually not recommended for sealcoating. Cold temperatures and snow can interfere with the curing process. If you’re in a region with mild winters, you might have a short window of opportunity, but generally, it’s best to wait until spring or fall.

Regional Differences

The best time for sealcoating can vary depending on where you live:

Northern Climates

In northern climates, you’ll want to avoid the winter months. Spring and fall are usually the best times, with summer being a viable option if you can manage the heat. Make sure to complete your sealcoating before the first frost.

Southern Climates

Southern climates have more flexibility, as winters are milder. Summer can be a good time, but make sure to avoid the peak heat. Spring and fall are still solid choices, offering comfortable temperatures for application.

Preparation and Planning

Proper preparation can make a big difference:

  • Surface Preparation: Before sealcoating, the surface must be clean and free of debris. Any cracks or potholes should be repaired to ensure the sealcoat adheres properly.

  • Weather Forecasting: Always check the weather forecast before scheduling. Ensure that there’s a clear window of at least 24 hours with no rain.

Professional vs. DIY Sealcoating

When it comes to sealcoating, you might wonder whether to do it yourself or hire a professional:

  • Benefits of Hiring Professionals: Professionals have the expertise and equipment to ensure a high-quality job. They can handle large areas efficiently and deal with any issues that arise.

  • DIY Sealcoating Considerations: If you choose to do it yourself, ensure you have the right equipment and follow the instructions carefully. DIY sealcoating can be cost-effective, but it requires careful preparation and execution.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To ensure your sealcoating job is successful, avoid these common mistakes:

  • Improper Timing: Don’t sealcoat during unsuitable weather conditions. Ensure the temperature and forecast align with the requirements.

  • Neglecting Surface Preparation: Proper surface preparation is crucial. Failing to clean and repair the surface can lead to poor adhesion and uneven results.

Case Studies and Examples

Real-life examples can illustrate the best practices:

  • Successful Spring Sealcoating: Many property owners find that spring sealcoating provides excellent results, with surfaces well-protected through the summer.

  • Fall Sealcoating Success Stories: Fall sealcoating is often praised for its balance of good weather and low rain, leading to long-lasting results.


So, when’s the best time to sealcoat your asphalt? Spring and fall usually offer the best conditions, with moderate temperatures and less rain. Summer can work if you manage the heat, while winter is generally best avoided.

For professional sealcoating services and more information on asphalt maintenance, visit Bart's Asphalt. Whether you need asphalt paving, repair, or sealcoating, Bart's Asphalt has you covered.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the ideal temperature range for sealcoating?

The ideal temperature range for sealcoating is between 50°F and 90°F (10°C to 32°C). Temperatures within this range allow the sealcoat to cure properly and adhere well to the asphalt.

Can sealcoating be done during rainy weather?

No, sealcoating should not be done during rainy weather. Rain can wash away the sealcoat before it has a chance to set. It’s best to choose a dry day and ensure no rain is forecasted for at least 24 hours after application.

How long should you wait to drive on newly sealcoated asphalt?

You should wait at least 24 to 48 hours before driving on newly sealcoated asphalt. This allows the sealcoat to cure properly and adhere to the surface, ensuring the best results.

By following these guidelines, you can make sure your asphalt stays in great shape and lasts for years to come. If you’re ready to get started, contact Bart's Asphalt for expert sealcoating and asphalt services!

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